Why choose Puntoricaricard

Why choose Puntoricaricard ?

  • More you buy, the more you earn. You will obtain discounts, offers and exclusive advantages.
    In fact, Puntoricaricard is combined with a unique services package.
  • It’s simple, the Card’s pack can be purchased, activated and reloaded in few minutes at selling Points.
  • Puntoricaricard belong to Mastercard circuit, accepted in more than 33 million of places and in ATM.
  • Discounts and benefits all in one card. Your Puntoricaricard
  • No documents required to buy and activate the Card.
  • No bank account needed to receive the Card.
  • Advantageous financial terms.
  • Gold and Black Puntoricaricard with high plafond and spending.
  • Make your shopping easier. You can safety do internet payments, Pos and ATM.
  • Maximum privacy for your shopping online.

The comfort of a fast activation.
Send your Card’s number by SMS to
receive the PIN and to use your Card immediately.

Puntoricaricard can be purchased in authorized Points present in Italy.